ANOVA Analysis of Variance Explained

ANOVA Analysis of Variance

What is ANOVA Analysis of Variance? ANOVA Analysis of Variance is a statistical technique used to compare the means of two or more groups to determine if there is a statistically significant difference among them. ANOVA assesses whether the means of different groups are significantly different from each other by examining the variance within each … Read more

T-Test Explained


T-Test: Overview and Requirements Requirements to Perform a T-Test Essential Requirements: Additional Considerations: Key Differences from Z-Test Requirements: Steps to Perform a T-Test: Example Calculation: Independent Samples T-Test Scenario: We want to compare the average height of male and female students in a university. We randomly select 20 male students and measure their heights, and … Read more

Understanding Poisson Distribution

Understanding Poisson Distribution

What is Poisson distribution? The Poisson Distribution is a type of probability distribution that is used to model the number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space. What describes a Poisson distribution? Discrete events: Poisson distribution applies to situations where evets are countable and they occur independently of each other, meaning … Read more

Binomial distribution

Understanding Binomial Distribution

What is Binomial Distribution? The binomial distribution is a probability distribution that is used in situations where there are two possible outcomes in a series of events or in a series of independent trials, it describes the likelihood of getting a certain result in those trials. to understand better, imagine flipping a coin 100 times, … Read more

Sample Variance Demystified: Mastering Your Analysis with Essential Insights 101

Sample Variance

What is Sample Variance? In statistics, sample variance (s²) plays a crucial role in understanding how spread out data points are within a sample. It reflects the average squared distance of each data point in the sample from the sample mean (x̄). A higher variance indicates a wider spread of data points, while a lower … Read more