Day 5 of Learning Python for Data Science: Data Types, Typecasting, Indexing, and Slicing
Python supports multiple data types, each serving a unique purpose. Some of the most commonly used data types include:
, 'hello'
, -45
, 0
, 5.78
, False
To understand data types better, let’s create a simple Python program where the user inputs different types of values. We will then check their data types using the type()
name = input('Enter your name: ')
age = int(input('Enter your age: '))
balance = float(input('Enter your balance: '))
print(name, type(name))
print(age, type(age))
print(balance, type(balance))
Enter your name: Sneha
Enter your age: 25
Enter your balance: 1000.50
Sneha <class 'str'>
25 <class 'int'>
1000.5 <class 'float'>
Typecasting refers to converting one data type into another. Python allows type conversion using functions such as:
– Converts a value to an integer.float()
– Converts a value to a float.str()
– Converts a value to a string.Let’s create a program that takes a string input containing a number, converts it to an integer, adds 50, and prints the result.
user_input = input("Enter a string containing a number: ")
number = int(user_input)
result = number + 50
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a string containing a number.")
If the user enters a non-numeric string like “abc”, the program will raise a ValueError
. The try-except
block ensures the program handles such errors gracefully.
Python allows us to access individual characters and substrings using indexing and slicing.
In Python, string indices start from 0.
word = "Python"
print(word[0]) # P
print(word[-1]) # n (last character)
Slicing allows us to extract a portion of a string using the syntax [start:end:step]
text = "Hello, World!"
print(text[0:5]) # Hello
print(text[7:]) # World!
print(text[::-1]) # Reverse the string
On Day 5 of Python learning, we explored fundamental concepts such as:
Understanding these basics is essential for writing robust Python programs. Keep practicing with different inputs to solidify your understanding!
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Hi, I am Vishal Jaiswal, I have about a decade of experience of working in MNCs like Genpact, Savista, Ingenious. Currently i am working in EXL as a senior quality analyst. Using my writing skills i want to share the experience i have gained and help as many as i can.
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