3 Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Media, Mode

What is Central Tendency?

In statistics, central tendency refers to a collection of summary measures that describe the typical or average value of a set of data. It helps us understand where most of the data points cluster within a distribution. There are three main measures of central tendency:

Measures of central tendency

Mean (Arithmetic Mean)

Often referred to as the “average,” it’s calculated by adding all the values in a dataset and dividing by the number of values. It’s a good measure of central tendency when the data is symmetrical and free of outliers (extreme values).

numbers = [2, 5, 10, 15, 20]

total_sum = sum(numbers)
number_of_items = len(numbers)
mean = total_sum / number_of_items

print("The mean of the list is:", mean)
The mean of the list is: 10.4


The middle value when the data is arranged in ascending or descending order. If you have an even number of data points, the median is the average of the two middle values. The median is less sensitive to outliers compared to the mean.

numbers = [2, 5, 10, 15, 20]


middle_index = len(numbers) // 2

median = (numbers[middle_index] + numbers[middle_index - 1]) / 2

print("The median of the even-sized list is:", median)
The median of the even-sized list is: 12.5


The most frequent value in a dataset. It can be useful for identifying the most common value, but it doesn’t necessarily represent the “center” of the data, especially for skewed distributions.

numbers = [2, 5, 10, 10, 15, 20]

most_frequent = max(set(numbers), key=numbers.count)

print("The mode of the list is:", most_frequent)
The mode of the list is: 10

Choosing the Right Measure

The best measure of central tendency to use depends on the characteristics of your data:

  • Symmetrical distribution with no outliers: Mean is a good choice.
  • Skewed distribution or outliers: Median is often preferred.
  • Identifying the most frequent value: Mode can be helpful.

Benefits of Central Tendency

  • Simple and easy to understand: Provides a quick snapshot of where the data is concentrated.
  • Useful for comparisons: Allows for comparisons between different datasets.
  • Foundation for further analysis: Serves as a starting point for more advanced statistical analyses.

Limitations of Central Tendency

  • Doesn’t show data spread: Central tendency alone doesn’t tell you how spread out the data is. You might need measures of dispersion like variance or standard deviation to understand the variability.
  • Sensitive to outliers: The mean can be significantly affected by extreme values, while the median is less susceptible.

In conclusion, central tendency is a valuable tool for summarizing and understanding the “center” of your data. By considering the characteristics of your data and choosing the appropriate measure, you can effectively represent the typical value within your dataset.

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Reference : Leard

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