1164 Product Price at a Given Date

1164 Product Price at a Given Date

1164. Product Price at a Given Date: Learn how to track and select price from continuously changing series. Read more Company: MAANG Difficulty: Medium Source: LeetCode SQL Interview Question: 1164. Product Price at a Given Date Question. Write a solution to find the prices of all products on 2019-08-16. Assume the price of all products before any change … Read more

1661 Average Time of Process per Machine

1661 Average Time of Process per Machine

1661 Average Time of Process per Machine: This is a really interesting question where we write a compact code of 1 line which is equivalent to multiline CTE code. Read more Company: MAANG Difficulty: Easy Source: LeetCode SQL Interview Question Q. 1661 Average Time of Process per Machine View code on DB Fiddle Solution Solution1 Explanation To … Read more

Write a query to identify the employee(s) whose salary is closest to the average salary of the company.

Write a query to identify the employee(s) whose salary is closest to the average salary of the company

This question was asked in Interview at black rock. The open position had a CTC of 26 LPA. Read more Company: BlackRock CTC: 26LPA Source: LinkedIn SQL Interview Question Q. Write a query to identify the employee(s) whose salary is closest to the average salary of the company see this code on db-fiddle Solution Explanation In this … Read more

Display all months where sales exceeded the average monthly sales.

Display all months where sales exceeded the average monthly sales

This question was asked in Interview at black rock. Read more Company: BlackRock CTC: 26LPA Source: LinkedIn SQL Interview Question Q. Display all months where sales exceeded the average monthly sales see this code on db-fiddle Solution Solution 1 Solution 2 Explanation Although there are multiple ways to solve this problem, using the CTE method stands out … Read more

Find the most common value (mode) in a specific column.

Find the most common value (mode) in a specific column

This question was asked in Interview at black rock. Read more Company: BlackRock CTC: 26LPA Source: LinkedIn SQL Interview Question Q. Find the most common value (mode) in a specific column. See this code on db-fiddle Solution Explanation We have selected ProductName along with the count of rows as Frequency, grouping the data by ProductName. To display … Read more