20 practice questions on the Python while loop

Python While Loop

Sharpen your Python while loop skills with 20 carefully curated practice questions. This article provides practical examples and solutions to help you understand and apply Python while loop in your projects. These questions are divided in 4 levels: Easy, Medium, Hard & Very Hard. Read our other articles to learn more about Python and other technical knowledge. Read More

Python while loop examples : Easy Level

  1. Print Numbers 1 to 10: Write a program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using a while loop.
  2. Sum of First N Natural Numbers: Take a number n as input and print the sum of the first n natural numbers using a while loop.
  3. Even Numbers from 1 to 20: Print all even numbers between 1 and 20 using a while loop.
  4. Odd Numbers from 1 to 20: Print all odd numbers between 1 and 20 using a while loop.
  5. Reverse Counting: Take an integer n as input and print numbers from n to 1 using a while loop.

Python while loop examples : Medium Level

  1. Multiplication Table: Take a number as input and print its multiplication table up to 10 using a while loop.
  2. Factorial Calculation: Write a program to calculate the factorial of a given number using a while loop.
  3. Reverse a Number: Take an integer as input and print its reverse using a while loop.
  4. Sum of Digits: Take an integer as input and calculate the sum of its digits using a while loop.
  5. Check for Palindrome Number: Write a program to check if a given number is a palindrome using a while loop.

Python while loop examples : Hard Level

  1. Find the GCD (HCF) of Two Numbers: Write a program to calculate the GCD of two numbers using a while loop.
  2. Fibonacci Series: Print the Fibonacci series up to n terms using a while loop.
  3. Find the Smallest Divisor (Other than 1): Take a number as input and find its smallest divisor greater than 1 using a while loop.
  4. Armstrong Number Check: Check if a given number is an Armstrong number using a while loop.
  5. Print Prime Numbers in a Given Range: Take two numbers as input and print all prime numbers between them using a while loop.

Python while loop examples: Very Hard Level

  1. Decimal to Binary Conversion: Convert a given decimal number to binary using a while loop.
  2. Find the LCM of Two Numbers: Write a program to compute the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two numbers using a while loop.
  3. Remove Duplicates from a Number: Take an integer as input and remove duplicate digits using a while loop.
  4. Print Numbers in Words: Take a number as input and print its digits in words (e.g., 123 → “One Two Three”) using a while loop.
  5. Count Frequency of Digits: Take a number as input and count the frequency of each digit using a while loop.

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