
1661 Average Time of Process per Machine

1661 Average Time of Process per Machine: This is a really interesting question where we write a compact code of 1 line which is equivalent to multiline CTE code. Read more

Company: MAANG

Difficulty: Easy


SQL Interview Question

Q. 1661 Average Time of Process per Machine

    machine_id INT,
    process_id INT,
    activity_type TEXT CHECK(activity_type IN ('start', 'end')),
    timestamp FLOAT

INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (0, 0, 'start', 0.712);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (0, 0, 'end', 1.52);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (0, 1, 'start', 3.14);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (0, 1, 'end', 4.12);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (1, 0, 'start', 0.55);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (1, 0, 'end', 1.55);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (1, 1, 'start', 0.43);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (1, 1, 'end', 1.42);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (2, 0, 'start', 4.1);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (2, 0, 'end', 4.512);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (2, 1, 'start', 2.5);
INSERT INTO Activity (machine_id, process_id, activity_type, timestamp) VALUES (2, 1, 'end', 5.0);

View code on DB Fiddle



WITH ProcessTimes AS (
        MAX(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'end' THEN timestamp END) AS end_time,
        MAX(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'start' THEN timestamp END) AS start_time
    FROM Activity
    GROUP BY machine_id, process_id
ProcessingDurations AS (
        (end_time - start_time) AS processing_time
    FROM ProcessTimes
    ROUND(AVG(processing_time), 3) AS processing_time
FROM ProcessingDurations
GROUP BY machine_id
ORDER BY machine_id;


To solve this problem using the CTE (Common Table Expression) method, we’ve broken the process into three steps:

Step 1: Extracting Start and End Times (CTE: ProcessTimes)

The first thing we needed to do was transform the start and end timestamps from the row level to the column level for each machine_id and process_id. In the provided Activity table, the start and end times appear as separate rows for the same process_id. To perform calculations efficiently, these values need to appear in separate columns (start_time and end_time) for each process_id.

To achieve this, we used a CASE statement inside the first CTE (ProcessTimes):

  • CASE Statement:
    WHEN activity_type = 'start' THEN timestamp 

This captures the timestamp for start and end rows.

Using MAX:
Wrapping the CASE statements in MAX allows us to satisfy SQL’s grouping rules when using GROUP BY on machine_id and process_id:

MAX(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'start' THEN timestamp END) AS start_time,
MAX(CASE WHEN activity_type = 'end' THEN timestamp END) AS end_time

Does MAX change the values? No, since the problem guarantees only one start and end timestamp per process_id. MAX simply ensures compliance with GROUP BY. If multiple values existed, MAX would pick the latest, which still works for duration calculations.

Resulting Output (ProcessTimes):

Step 2: Calculating Process Duration (CTE: ProcessingDurations)

In this step, we calculate the duration of each process by subtracting the start_time from the end_time:

    (end_time - start_time) AS processing_time
FROM ProcessTimes

This creates a table (ProcessingDurations) where each row represents the duration of a single process for a specific machine. The result looks like this:

Step 3: Aggregating Average Processing Time

Finally, we calculate the average processing time for each machine. Using the results from ProcessingDurations, we calculate the average as follows:

ROUND(AVG(processing_time), 3) AS processing_time
FROM ProcessingDurations
GROUP BY machine_id
ORDER BY machine_id
  • AVG(processing_time): Calculates the average of all process durations for a machine.
  • ROUND(..., 3): Rounds the result to 3 decimal places, as required by the problem.
  • GROUP BY machine_id: Groups the results by each machine.
Final Output

The query produces the following result:


This output satisfies the requirements of the problem.

Solution 2

    ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type='start' THEN timestamp*-1 ELSE timestamp END)*1.0/ (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT process_id)),3) AS processing_time
GROUP BY machine_id


For this solution you need to understand the below part, where entire three CTEs are in one line itself, using a mathmetical logic.

SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type='start' THEN timestamp*-1 ELSE timestamp END) * 1.0 / (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT process_id))

To understand this better let’s break it down further:

SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type=’start’ THEN timestamp*-1 ELSE timestamp END)

This part calculates the total time for each process. the logic used here is:

  • If activity_type = 'start':
    • The timestamp is multiplied by -1. This effectively turns the start time into a negative value so it can be subtracted later.
  • If activity_type = 'end':
    • The timestamp is added as-is (positive).

This means for every process, the start time and end time are combined to produce the processing duration. For example:

  • For start = 0.712 and end = 1.52, this will sum to:
(−0.712)+1.52=0.808 (duration of the process)

SUM: The SUM function adds up these values for all processes within the same machine (GROUP BY machine_id is applied in the query). This gives the total processing time for the machine.


This part ensures that the division produces a floating-point result instead of an integer.

  • Without * 1.0, SQL might perform integer division and truncate the decimal part, depending on the database.
  • Multiplying by 1.0 ensures the calculation is performed in floating-point arithmetic, preserving the precision.

This calculates the average processing time by dividing the total processing time (from step 1) by the number of unique processes for the machine.

Putting It All Together
    ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN activity_type='start' THEN timestamp*-1 ELSE timestamp END)*1.0/ (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT process_id)),3) AS processing_time
GROUP BY machine_id
Final Output

The query produces the following result:


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